Talking about participatory initiatives with the Louisiana State Archives

I was asked to come give a talk on my research at the Louisiana State Archives. As I officially finished my doctoral program in December 2021 (I should probably write a post about that as well), this was the first big invited talk I gave post-defense. I was a huge honor, made all the sweeter because it was one of my former students who recommended me for the talk in the first place. It was a wonderful afternoon with archivists, archival scholars, and my students. No matter what I do, I always hope to serve my students. So it was great to have so many of my students attend the talk.

I spent about 45 minutes discussing my work on participatory archiving initiatives, their challenges, and the possibilities for connection present within them. There was an excellent discussion with the audience after the talk that has been continued over email and Zoom meetings with a few folks. If you would like to view the talk, please check it out on the Louisiana State Archives’ YouTube page or watch the video below.

On accidentally becoming a leader during my Ph.D. program